World TB Day, 2018 Field Visit and Awareness Seminar And Walk

World TB Day, 2018 Field Visit and Awareness Seminar And Walk was held by the ISRA UNIVERSITY the department of community medicine in collaboration with Kotri Institute of Chest Diseases (KICD) cochaired by Dr. Khalid unar, Additional Director and Prof Dr. Hussain Bux Kolachi in Dr. Sajan Memon Auditorium. The seminar was addressed by Dr. Rafi Siddiqui, Chest Specialist, attended by 30 MBBS, girl’s students of ISRA UNIVERSITY. This was first day of multiple awareness programmes to mark world TB Day, which will formally observed on 24 March, on the theme of Wanted Leaders for TB Free World and Stop TB. The students and the faculty of Isra visited wards and diagnostic laboratory in which drug resistance TB is diagnosed in less than 2 hours’ time. ISRA UNIVERSITY students collected research data from admitted patients. The institute has the 200 plus for TB patients, the drugs for TB patients, lab and food are free of charge.
The Pakistan has fifth high burden patients in the world where incidence is more than 400 per 100 000 population. We need awareness programmes and cooperation of big hospitals and medical universities to deal TB which is disease and stigma in our society. Dr. Iftikhar KK Director in his message conveyed t hat ISRA UNIVERSITY can organize awareness and diagnosis camps in rural areas. Dr. Munir Shaikh, Mrs. Parveen supervised the World TB day and students research survey. the seminar was also addressed by the 5 medical students and their names are:
Students Name
Simran Rajani, Yasmin Khatti, Misbah and Pashmeena . the isra programme will continue till 24 March, 2018.
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Second World TB Day awareness and field visit
The World Tuberculosis Day 2018 was held today, 17th April; a health walk and awareness seminar jointly organized by the department of community medicine and Kotri Institute of Chest Diseases, supervised by Prof Dr. Hussain Bux Kolachi, Dr. Ambreen and Dr. Munir Ahmed Shaikh.
In the Walk was held in the Isra campus and addressed by Prof Dr. Hussain Bux Kolachi and Dr. Munir Ahmed Shaikh. The theme of TB day is “wanted leaders for TB Free World and Stop TB”. The second awareness seminar and the field visit was conducted at KICD addressed by Additional Director Dr. Khalid and Dr. Rafi Siddiqui. Twenty three students of 3rd year participated in the seminar and the field visit. The experts in the seminar told that TB is a bigger public health problem and drug resistance of TB cases in on rise in Pakistan. The treatment of drug resistance TB is costly and requires 2 years treatment while under DOTS programme early diagnosis is done and treatment is of 6-8 months with a 90 % success rate.
Tuberculosis in children is another public health problem and 250 cases are reported with the drug resistance TB in KICD every year. Isra university pediatric treatment and the community medicine department can play a role for the prevention of pediatric tuberculosis.
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