Job Recruitment Drive by Hero Soft Company at Isra University

A “Job Recruitment Drive by Hero Soft company” was organized on Wednesday, 04 May 2016 by the Department of Computer Science for the students of the programs of BS(Software Engineering), BS(Computer Science), BS(Information & Communication Technology), BBA and MBA. This Recruitment Drive was enthusiastically participated by the graduates and final year students of the said programs.
Miss. Nuzhat Memon (V.P. Marketing), Miss. Shagufta Anwar (Marketing Executive), Mr. Muhammad Waqas (Head of I.T. Deptt:), Mr. Ahsan Iqbal (Software Engineer) and Mr. Tufail Jeelani (HRM) successfully conducted on spot interviews and collected CVs for the positions of ERP/CRM Developer, Mobile App Developer and Marketing Executive.
The delegates from the Hero Soft also met Prof. Dr. Hameedullah Kazi, Pro Vice Chancellor, Engineering and management sciences, Director Career Development Center, Isra University, Hyderabad and discussed mutual interests. Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Bhatti, Dean, FCMS & FEST and Prof. Dr. Ahsanullah Baloch, Chair Person Department of Computer Science was also present on the occasion.
The officials from Hero Soft were very much happy to see the knowledge and talent of Isra University students. Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Bhatti presented shield and souvenirs to the guests. The event was coordinated and managed by Ms. Amber Baig, Assistant Professor and Ms. Shadia S. Baloch, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Isra University, Hyderabad.
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