International Peace Day 2018

International Peace Day 2018 was held at Isra University, jointly organized by Department of Community Medicine and Quality Assurance Cell (QEC) on 28th September Friday 2018 chaired by eminent scholar Engineer Shafi Mohammad Lakho. He told Peace is in the center of Islam and in the holy book peace is mentioned through remembering Allah and helping other people in the improvement of their personal life. He further explained that peace can be achieved at three levels personal, community and global level. In the early history of Islam over 100 wars were fought but very few 273 people were killed, however in todays war millions are killed or displaced. This premises shows that Islam is against killing of people on any ground. The Hadith and Islamic scholars promote peace in the society through education of peace and Islamic practice. Professor Kolachi in his presentation on the health and peace showed in the slides that WHO is supporting program called Health is Bridge for Peace (HBP) in Indonesia and other countries. Pakistan should also adapt WHO supported program. He further told that research has found a strong correlation between infant mortality rates and the proportion of GNP devoted to military expenditure. Interestingly as a nation’s childhood mortality exceeds 100/1000, the probability of it becoming engaged in an armed conflict increases substantially. If nuclear war happens, 98% of medical personnel who live and work in the center of cities would be dead. In another research by El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras suffering from effects of war, had infant mortality rates 80 per 1000 while their neighbors at peace Panama, Costa Rica had levels just below 20 per 1000 live births. The written speech of Director QEC, Mr. Abdul Qadir Memnon was read in which he emphasized on peace education among students and peaceful use of modern technology so that privacy and dignity of individual is not violated.
Miss Rebecca speaking on the role of students in healthy and peaceful society which was theme of conference brought five candles with bright flame and a dove to mark the symbol of peace in the society than she emphasized that peace in university campuses is as important as in the whole society. Colonel Dr Zahid served in the Pakistan army for 25 years shared his experience of war is also fought by strong army like Pakistan army with the aim to restore peace on the borders as well as inside the country.
Dr. Kashif, a renowned cardiologist said that in the OPD many heart patients come because their heart is not in peace and they have functional disorders. The doctors can assure not only patients but society to maintain peace for their health and wellbeing. Dr Asif Burney sharing his views mentioned that many medical inventions were made during the world war I and II because normal procedures were not adapted which led to produce new drugs and other medical inventions. Vote of thanks were presented by Dr Salman Farsi Kazi, Vice Dean. He appreciated the organizers and department of community medicine and QEC. Because this program was initiated by higher education commission through a letter to the vice chancellor professor Ghulam Qadir Kazi to celebrate world peace day in the Isra university campuses. Dr Ambreen Sahito conducted the proceedings of conference. Chief guest was presented Ajrak and Topi. An awareness walk for peace was held before this conference, participated by nursing, medical, dental students and faculty.
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