Report of CME on “UNDERSTANDING LUMPS AND BUMPS IN BREAST” organized by the department of Surgery Isra University Hyderabad under the chairmanship of Prof: Abdul Sattar Memon on 04-05-2017 at OPD Lecture Hall Isra University Hospital Hyderabad.

  • This program was accredited for 2 credit hours
  • Program started at 10:00 am and was completed by 12:00 pm.
  • 55 participants attended this program including all the Faculty members ,House surgeons and PG’s of department of surgery
  • The details of speakers and their topics (Attached as annexure one).
  • Program started with recitation from Holy Quran by Dr. Sidra (H.O).
  • Program started with recitation from Holy Quran by Dr. A.Qadir (H.O).
  • Dr.sheeraz ahmed, (PG’s ) presented a case report .
  • Dr.Nimra Rafiq(PG) gave a presentation on” A Normal Breast”.
  • A talk on “Myths and Facts in breast lump” was given by Dr.Javeria Farid, Assisstant Professor from department of Surgery.
  • Dr.Jaweria Memon(PG), Presented paper on the “ Differential Diagnosis of breast lump
    Dr.Rabail Abro discussed on “can man get breast lump”
  • Next to her was Dr.Sarosh Kulsoom who presented on “how to approach breast lump”.
  • The next presenter was Dr.Ali Shamshad who presented on extra mammary lump confusing as a breast lump.
  • Vote of Thanks was given by Dr.Jaweria Memon(PG),
  • The CME was concluded by value able comments from Prof.A.Sattar Memon along with Question answer is recommended to start a breast clinic OPD and to organize a one day free camp for breast diseases in which all patients of breast diseases will undergo triple assessment followed by appropriate management and public awareness programs regarding breast diseases.
  • In the last,Prof. A.Sattar Memon distributed the certificates to the presenters / speakers.The three best postgraduates speakers were announced and recommended for some award from university.
    1. Dr.Javeria Memon
    2. Dr.Sarosh kulsoom
    3. Dr.Rabail zamir
  • Lunch was served by courtesy of Messer‘s Searle Pharma to all the participants.
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