Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is prohibited at Isra University and constitutes a punishable offense. Sexual harassment is demeaning to human dignity and is unacceptable in a healthy work environment, specifically one in which scholarly pursuit may flourish. Isra University will not tolerate the sexual harassment of any member of the University and will strive through education and deterrence to create an environment free from such behavior on its premises. The following documents provide further information on the matter.

Any complaint in the matter may be lodged before the Chairman of the Committee as under:
Hyderabad Campus: Dr. Ahmed Waliullah Kazi
Pro-Vice Chancellor
Karachi Campus: Dr. Muhammad Umer Kazi
Pro-Vice Chancellor (HS)
Islamabad Campus:
(ANMC, MLT, and ICN)
Prof. Dr. Umar Ali Khan
Pro-Vice Chancellor (HS)
Islamabad Campus:
Prof. Dr. Altaf Ali G Shaikh
Pro-Vice Chancellor
