Papers Published by FM&AMS
Title of Paper | Name of Author #1 | Name of Author #2 | Name of Author #3 | Name of Journal | Vol. | Month | Year | Page # |
Identification of Bacteria from Human Oral Microflora having Azoreductase Activity. | Dr. Zahid Iqbal | – | – | Isra Medical Journal | Vol-III, Issue-II | May-August | 2011 | |
Biodisposition of isoniazid after oral administration in teddy goats. | Dr. Zahid Iqbal | – | – | Isra Medical Journal | Vol-III, Issue-I | Jan-April | 2011 | |
Effect of combination therapy of Nigella sativa and Trigonela foenum graecum on body mass index in type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients | Dr. Ashfaque Rahim Memon | Abdul Raheem Memon | Isra Medical Journal | Vol-II, Issue-I | Jan-April | 2010 | ||
Plastibell circumcision: a minor procedure of major importance | Abdul Samad | Tariq Wahab Khanzada, | Basant Kumar | J Pediatr Urol | 2010 | 28-31 | ||
Presentation of Histological types and common sites of oral cancer in lower Sindh | Usha Isaac | JLUMHS | 8 | Dec | 2009 | 210-13 | ||
Do the instructions to authors of Pakistani medical journals convey adequate guidance for authorship criteria? | Abdul Samad | Tariq Wahab Khanzada, | Ali Akbar Siddiqui | Pak J Medical Science | 2009 | 879-882 | ||
Out come of Lichtenstein hernioplasty: a multicenter study | Nausheen Saeed | Tariq Wahab Khanzada, | Abdul Samad | Rawal Medical Journal | 2009 | 135-137 | ||
Effect of combination of nigella sative and trigonella foenum-graecum with Glibenclamide on Serum Triglyceride, HDL and Creatinine Levels in Type-2 Diebetes Mellitus patients | Ashfaque Rahim | Shaheen Shah | Abdul Rahim | Isra Medical Journal | 2009 | |||
Thyroid Scintigraphy: An Overused Investigation | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Waseem Memon | Basant Kumar, Abdul Samad | Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences | Jan-Jun | 2009 | 39-41 | |
Frequency for cholelithiasis. | Lohano D. | Laghari MH | Memon RA, Khawaja MA. Kumar B & Memon A. | Isra Medical Journal | 2009 | 13-18 | ||
Effect of smoking on blood pressure of inhabitants of Hyderabad vicinity. | Mahesar H | Mahesar SM | Khand FD, Khand AA, Seehar GM | Sindh Univ. Res. Journal (sci – ser) | 2009 | 25-30 | ||
Histopathological pattern of diagnosis in patients undergoing thyroid operations | Champa Sushel | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Imrana Zulfiqar | Rawal Medical Journal | Jan-Jun | 2009 | 14-16 | |
4. Abdul Samad | ||||||||
Incisional Hernia Repair With Polypropylene Mesh. | Waseem Memon | Tarique Wahab Khanzada | Abdul Samad | JPMI | Apr-Jun | 2009 | 159-163 | |
4. Basant Kumar | Jan-Apr | 2009 | 19-22 | |||||
Spectrum of Benign Breast Diseases | Tariq Wahab Khanzada, | Abdul Samad, | Champa Sushel | Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences | Apr-Jun | 2009 | 265-268 | |
Efficacy of combination of Nigella sative and trigonella foenum-graecum with Glibenclamide in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus patients, showing inadequate control with Glibenclamide alone | Ashfaque Rahim | Shaheen Shah | Abdul Rahim Fatehuddin Khand Imran Ali Shaikh Imdad Ali Khushk |
JLUMHS | 2008 | |||
Effect of combination of nigella sative and trigonella foenum-graecum seeds with glibenclamide on blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetes mellitus patients | Ashfaque Rahim | Shaheen Shah | Abdul Rahim | JCPSP | 2008 | |||
A study on hepatic dysfunction during dots therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis | Mehboob Ahmed Wagan | Shaheen Shah | Ghulam Nabi Khokhar | Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology | 25 No.2 | Jul | 2008 | 7 – 12 |
Abdul Rahim Memon | ||||||||
Association of tea and other addictive substances with gallstone disease in southern Sindh, Pakistan | Naseem Aslam Channa | Fatehuddin Khand | Abdul Rahim Memon | Pak Armed Forces Med. J | 4 | 2008 | 363-371 | |
Current Preoperative management of elective | Tahir Yasin Khan | Tarique Wahab Khnazada | J.B.O Mahony, K. Mealy | Rawal Medical Journal | 33 No.1 | Jan-June | 2008 | 81-84 |
Association of tea and other addictive substances with gallstone disease in southern Sindh, Pakistan . | Channa NA, | Khand FD | Memon AR, Memon AN | Pak Armed Forces Med.. J. | 4 | 2008 | 363-371 | |
Analysis of human gallstones by FTIR. | Channa NA, | Khand FD | Bhangar MI | The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences | 12 (3) | 2008 | 552-560 | |
Comparative study of sodium and potassium in different types of gallstones in serum of subjects with gallstones and controls. | Channa NA | Khand FD | Ganghro AB, Mahessar H, Soomro AM. | Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem, | 9 (1) | 2008 | 38-42 | |
Hodgkins Lymphoma in Cervical Lymphadenopathy | Waseem Memon | Abdul Samad | Gul Muhammad Shaikh | 24, No.1 | Jan-Mar | 2008 | 118-121 | |
Indication and complication of tube thoracostomy performed by general surgeons | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Abdul Samad | Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association (Centre) | 58, No.1 | Jan | 2008 | 39-40 | |
Cost Effectiveness of Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate Versus Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy for Chronic Anal Fissure | Abdul Samad | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Champa Sushel | JPMI, Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute | 21 No. 1 | Jan-Mar | 2007 | 16-17 |
Temporary Loop Ileostomy: Prospective Study of Indications and Complications | Akram Rajput | Abdul Samad | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | RMJ, Rawal Medical Journal | 32, No. 2 | July-Dec | 2007 | 160-163 |
Gloves for Clinical Examination: Current Practice | Abdul Samad | Dr. Gulzar Saeed Ahmed | Dr. Ali Akbar Siddiqui and Dr. Champa Sushel | JPOA, The Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association | 19, No. 2 | Aug | 2007 | 101-107 |
Causes of major lower Extremity Amputations | Dr. T.W. Khanzada | Dr. Gulzar Saeed Ahmed | Dr. A. Samad and Dr. Champa Sushel | JPOA, The Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association | 19, No. 2 | Aug | 2007 | 62-68 |
Chronic Anal Fissures; topical Glyceryl Trinitrate Versus Lateral internal Sphincterotomy. | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Abdul Samad | The Professional Medical Journal | 14, No 02 | Apr,May,Jun | 2007 | ||
Etiological Spectrum of Dynamic Intestinal obstruction | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Abdul Samad | Champa Sushel | GJMS, Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences | 05, No.2 | July-Dec | 2007 | 59-61 |
Recurrence after Excision and Primary Closure of Pilonidal Sinus | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Abdul Samad | Pakistan Journal for Medical Sciences | 23, No. 3 | 2007 | 375-379 | ||
Predictive value of Modified Severity Index For Fournier’s Gangrene | Abdul Samad | JLUMHS | 06, no. 01 | Jan-Apr | 2007 | 16 | ||
Chronic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Results Of Carpal Tunnel Release | Gulzar Saeed Ahmed | JLUMHS | Jan-Apr | 2007 | 21 | |||
Abuse of Plain Abdominal Radiograph | Tariq Wahab khanzada, | Abdul Samad | Rawal Medical Journal | 32, No. 1 | Jan–Jun | 2007 | 48-50 | |
Gastric Outlet Observation: Change in Etiology | Abdul Samad | Tariq Wahab Khanzada | Imran Shoukat | Pakistan Journal of Surgery | 23 | Jan | 2007 | 29-32 |
Incidence of H. Pylori Antibodies in Patients with Non Ulcer Dyspepsia admitted in People’s Medical College Hospital, Nawabshah | I Shaikh | RA Memon | ID Ujjan | Annals | 12 No.3 | Jul–Sep | 2006 | 384 |
AR Memon | ||||||||
AR Butt | ||||||||
M Farooq |
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