Applications are invited for Need cum merit quarter free-ships from the students of the following Degree programs.

Program of Studies No. of Quarter Free-Ships
BE First Semester (Fall 2015) 1
BE Third Semester (Fall 2014) 1
BE Fifth Semester (Fall 2013) 1
BE Seventh Semester (Fall 2012) 1
BS First Semester (Fall 2015) 1
BS Third Semester (Fall 2014) 1
BS Fifth semester (Fall 2013) 1
BS Seventh Semester (Fall 2012) 2
BBA First Semester (Fall 2015) 1
BBA Third Semester (Fall 2014) 1
BBA Fifth Semester (Fall 2013) 2
BBA Seventh Semester (Fall 2012) 2

The Free-ship will be granted subject to the following conditions:

  1. The student has not taken less than 16 credit hours in the semester excluding credits which he/she has improved.
  2. The free-ships will be granted for one year i.e. two semesters to become eligible for the free-ships, a student has to secure GPA of at-least 2.5 and maintain 75% attendance in the class.
  3. The fresh admitted student in the first semester has got score more than 45% on the merit list.
  4. He/she has not been granted any other free-ship / concession.

The interested students studying in the above cited programs of studies are hereby informed to apply for the free-ships up to, 4th May 2016 on the prescribed form.
The form may be received from Examinations office on the payment of Rs. 100/-
The interview of students will be held on 06, May 2016 at 1:30pm at PVC EMS office.
The students who have already applied should not submit applications again.
