Vice Chancellor Isra University Prof Ahmed Waliullah Kazi visit of Isra Univ Islamabad Campus

Isra University Islamabad Campus
On November 08, 2023
Hassnain Auditorium Islamabad
Vice Chancellor Isra University Prof Ahmed Waliullah Kazi visited Isra Univ Islamabad Campus and addressed the faculty & staff and students of AL Nafees Medical College Hospital, SEAS, IIRS, PIRS, MLT, and Nursing,
Isra University Islamabad Campus administration, Principals of all faculties, and heads of departments were present at the briefing.
Vice Chancellor briefed about the current situation and Prof Nazeer Ashraf Laghari’s appeal disposed off by the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan.
He also ensured that the student’s degree issue was already taken up with HEC and would be resolved within 6-8 weeks.
The house was quite satisfied after the thorough briefing by the worthy Vice-Chancellor.
The meeting was adjourned with dua.
