Faculty of Dentistry & Allied Sciences

The Faculty of Dentistry is committed to academic excellence in dental education. It caters for the urgent need for community oriented, competent, dedicated and above all, caring dental professionals who, through their comprehensive understanding and acquisition of relevant skills, can deal with the oral problems of the people. The academic year runs from January to December (Classes of new batch 2020-2021 will start from January 2021). Isra Dental College (IDC) offers a four year bachelor’s program in Dental Surgery which is recognized by PMC. The program aims at training highly competent dental surgeons in order to bridge the gap between demand and supply at national and international levels. The four year Bachelor of Dental Surgery program is spread over a minimum of 154 credit hours of coursework and practical training. The first two years cover the basic medical subjects (Physiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology & Pathology), basic dental science subjects (Science of Dental Material, Oral Pathology & Community Dentistry) and Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies & IT. The following two years cover clinical Medical Sciences like General Medicine and General Surgery, and clinical dental surgery subjects (Orthodontics, Operative Dentistry, Peri odontology, Prosthodontics, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery). The fifth year is compulsory, which covers the house job (one year clinical training). A separate certificate will be issued by the University after at the end of one year training.
