Typical Study plan – Bachelor of Business Administration
Duration- 4 YEARS

Minimum Degree Requirements: This program comprises a minimum of 138 credit hours of coursework that includes 114 credits of required courses, a final year project of 6 credits, a 6-8 weeks intern-ship of 6 credits and 12 credits of electives courses.

YEAR 1 – First Semester
English-I (Composition and Comprehension-I) HMLG 111 3(3+0) 48
Principles of Accounting MSPA 121 3(3+0) 48
Introduction to Business MSIB 111 3(3+0) 48
Introduction to Computers CSIC 101 3(3+0) 48
Elements of Statistics and Probability MTSP 113 3(3+0) 48
Islamic Studies HMIS 113 2(2+0) 32
Pakistan Studies HMPS 112 1(1+0) 16
Total Credits 18 288

YEAR 1 – Second Semester
Principles of Management MSMG 112 3(3+0) 48
Introduction to Business Finance MSBF 141 3(3+0) 48
Business Mathematics MTBM 112 3(3+0) 48
English-II (Composition & Comprehension-II) HMLG 112 3(3+0) 48
Microeconomics MSEC 132 3(3+0) 48
Financial Accounting MSFA 122 3(3+0) 48
Total Credits 18 288

YEAR 2 – First Semester
Principles of Marketing MSMK 251 3(3+0) 48
Business Communication MSBC 213 3(3+0) 48
Organizational Behavior MSOB 212 3(3+0) 48
Advanced Accounting MSAC 323 3(3+0) 48
Macroeconomics MSEC 231 3(3+0) 48
Cost and Managerial Accounting MSCA 222 3(3+0) 48
Total Credits 18 288

YEAR 2 – Second Semester
Personal and Time Management MSPT 418 3(3+0) 48
E-Commerce CSEC 327 3(3+0) 48
Development Economics MSDE 232 3(3+0) 48
Human Resource Management MSHR 382 3(3+0) 48
Consumer Behaviour MSCB 252 3(3+0) 48
Management Information Systems CSIS 221 3(3+0) 48
Total Credits 18 288

YEAR 3 – First Semester
Small Business and Entrepreneurship MSSE 362 3(3+0) 48
Money and Banking MSMB 291 3(3+0) 48
Business Research Methods MSBR 214 3(3+0) 48
Business Taxation MSBT 225 3(3+0) 48
Project Management MSPM 412 3(3+0) 48
Insurance Management MSIN 342 3(3+0) 48
Total Credits 18 288

YEAR 3 – Second Semester
Auditing MSAD 323 3(3+0) 48
International Business Management MSIB 451 3(3+0) 48
Total Quality Management MSQM 474 3(3+0) 48
System Dynamics CSSD 451 3(2+3) 80
BBA Project MSBA 399 6(0+18) 288
Total Credits 18 512

YEAR 4 – First Semester
Technical Report Writing HMTR 211 3(3+0)
Financial Management MSFM 241 3(3+0) 48
Sociology HMSC 415 3(3+0) 48
Elective-I 3(3+0) 48
Elective-II 3(3+0) 48
Total Credits 15 240

YEAR 4 – Second Semester
Management of Financial Institutions and Markets MSFM 444 3(3+0) 48
Internship MSSR 400 6(0+18) 288
Elective-I 3(3+0) 48
Elective-II 3(3+0) 48
Total Credits 15 432

BBA Electives – Management Courses
Organization Development MSOD 413 3(3+0) 48
Supply Chain Management MSSC 415 3(3+0) 48
Knowledge Management MSKM 416 3(3+0) 48
Small and Medium Enterprise Management MSSM 417 3(3+0) 48
Managing Services Business MSMS 419 3(3+0) 48

BBA Electives – Marketing Courses
International Marketing MSIM 452 3(3+0) 48
Industrial Marketing MSIM 453 3(3+0) 48
Marketing Research MSMR 454 3(3+0) 48
Advertisement Management MSAM 455 3(3+0) 48
Personal Selling and Sales Management MSPS 456 3(3+0) 48

BBA Electives – Finance
Security Analysis MSSA 441 3(3+0) 48
Investment and Portfolio Management MSIP 442 3(3+0) 48
Analysis of Financial Statement MSAF 443 3(3+0) 48
Capital Markets MSCM 445 3(3+0) 48
Islamic Banking and Finance MSIB 446 3(3+0) 48

BBA Electives – Human Resources
Training and Development MSID 483 3(3+0) 48
Motivation and its Applications MSMA 484 3(3+0) 48
Recruitment and Selection MSRS 486 3(3+0) 48
Compensation Management MSCM 487 3(3+0) 48
Labor Laws in Pakistan MSLL 488 3(3+0) 48

BBA Electives – Information Technology
Operating System CSOS 331 3(3+0) 48
System Analysis and Design CSSA 421 3(3+0) 48
Web Designing CSWD 456 3(3+0) 48
Computer Networking CSCN 435 3(3+0) 48
Expert System and Artificial Intelligence CSAI 466 3(3+0) 48