Prof. Dr. Nazir Ashraf Laghari, Honorable Vice Chancellor visited Isra University, Islamabad Campus. A warm welcome and reception given by top management, Faculty and the Staff members of the Islamabad campus. Prof. Dr. Nazir Ashraf Laghari, Vice Chancellor, Isra University presided the meeting, he said on his address “Today’s meeting reaffirms my strong belief that ‘a healthy outside starts from the inside’, you have taken this step with a deepening commitment to help improve the lives of the people, who need our assistance the most. Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity”, he continued The Vice Chancellor said the technological advances that have impacted the healthcare profession in recent years have created countless new opportunities for managing and treating life threatening illnesses. Healthcare science is experiencing progress of unprecedented magnitude; this, along with advances in communication and information technologies has promoted the emergence of new trends throughout the global healthcare community. However, in Pakistan more investment and commitment are required. Before the address of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Imtiaz head of department of Ophthalmology introduced the Honorable Vice Chancellor and said that the respected Prof. Laghari, a medical graduate of Liaquat Medical College and Post Graduate training and qualification from United Kingdom and served as ophthalmologist in UK and Saudi Arabia and then joined Liaquat Medical College as Assistant Professor and retired as chairman Department of ophthalmology. Vice chancellor achieved many highest meritorious professional awards in his life such as Presidential Ramzan Ali Syed Gold Medal, Asia Pacific academic of ophthalmology best services award, Special award leading Lights in Asia by by Asia Pacific Academy of ophthalmology, Best Teacher Award from HEC, Life Time achievement award from LUMHS, OSP centre and OSP (Lahore & Karachi). Registered to practice in Ophthalmology in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Presented Scientific Work on national and international forums and has more than 60 publications in national and international journals. Before Joining as Vice Chancellor Isra University he was working as senior consultant in Ophthalmology at Royal Gwent Hospital Newport, teaching hospital of University of Cardiff, South Wales, UK. Professor Dr. Umar Ali Khan, Pro-Vice Chancellor (HS), Islamabad Campus said his welcome address the establishment of Isra University Al-Nafees Medical College Hospital (ANMCH), a feather in the cap of Isra Islamic Foundation. He said the ANMCH is treading the right path in not only working in the education field, but also meeting challenges on the health and welfare fronts as well, highlighted the achievements and services. Dr. Umar Ali Khan said that our aim to serve the people of Islamabad/Rawalpindi in particular and Pakistan in the field of education, healthcare and social welfare. Al-Nafees Welfare Hospital is part of that dream. He paid gratitude to the Honorable Vice Chancellor, for sparing time from his busy schedule Executive Director Brigadier (R) Pir Bakhsh Khokhar presented vote of Thanks to Vice Chancellor and all participants. In the last the Vice Chancellor visited classrooms, laboratories, Library, Skill lab, OPD, Emergency, ICU, all Wards and majors departments of Al Nafees Medical College Hospital, and inspect thoroughly also benefited entire team with his view and suggestions. PVC, PVC (HS) Executive Director, Director (F&A), Medical Superintendent and Head of Departments of ANMCH accompanied them throughout the visit.
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